Behind the Legging Design – I Love Philly 4
Behind the Legging Design – I Love Philly
By Jennifer Schultz
Each of the custom leggings I create has a story. So, I am taking you back to my first design I ever created. I was born in Philadelphia at JFK Hospital, but, ended up living in the suburbs of Bucks County. I visited Philadelphia several times with family to see events like, the Barnum & Bailey Circus, with school for a history class trip, and mostly to see my grandmother in the summers who lived on “C” street in Olney. I played with my friends in the alley, walked to the Five and Dime to shop, and frequented the corner store for candy. We sat on the porch every night and just chatted with neighbors on their stoop.
When I was 18, I moved to Philadelphia and lived on my own in an apartment. I took Septa to work, enjoyed buying pretzels from the guy who stood in the road and loved going to Pat’s Steaks for cheesesteaks. I rooted for all our sports teams and still get chills when I watch Rocky. My grandfather was a huge Mummers fan and it was THE show to watch on New Year’s Day.
And the most important thing is, that I met my husband while I lived in Philadelphia. We bought our first home there, went on many dates to local restaurants and pool halls, and we welcomed the birth of my daughter there too. We moved out of Philadelphia and back to Bucks County when my daughter was seven.
I loved Philadelphia. I was certain many other people did too. So, I sat down and wrote out some ideas for icons that should be on leggings that celebrated Philadelphia. History: The Liberty Bell and Declaration of Independence. Food: Cheesesteaks and pretzels. Iconic: Love Statue replica. I added simple messages of loving Philly. All the memories I created in Philadelphia, fueled my passion for the design and continue to be how I approach future creations.
Since launching my design in 2017, there have been other companies that have copied my design.
But I am not sure that they are a Philly Girl at Heart, like I am.
- Jennifer Schultz
- Tags: I Love Philly leggings Mummers Pat's Steaks philadelphia philly philly girl Rocky Septa